the following site contains coarse language and due to its content it should not be viewed by anyone.

welcome to joachym's southpark!
this site is merely in czech language, but i believe you'll enjoy it.
i live in czech republic and this is my tribute to southpark. you can find here several pictures which i made in macromedia flash.

i created them just for fun so if the update is lacking i am very busy :-)

here are the translations of some czech words:
maluvky: funny pictures

wallpapers in resolution 800x600 and/or 1024x768

  this section is diveded in two other sections:
s reklamou: ads and southpark
filmove: movies and southpark
portrety: portraits of people in southpark

if you want to understand at all, i recommend czech-english online dictionary (english=anglicky, czech=cesky)

i am open to all your suggestions or questions. if you think i can help you or you want to join in, feel free to email.

and the disclaimer:
if you want to have any picture at your website, please always include the address (banner) or just mail me. mailing me will cause a reply and i will credit you with a link here.

- 1 st season
- 2 nd season
- 3 rd season
- 4 th season
- 5 th season
- 6 th season

funny pictures
- movies
- ads

guest book
- sign it

our banners